Student Loans Lead To Legitimate Gripes And Groans

Graduation secrets for achieving your degree are a lot like the secret to being successful in life if you believe the saying that ninety percent of success is simply showing up. In most cases for most students the classes are not so hard they cannot be bested if they do make the effort of at least showing up. Grades can be based on as few as half a dozen tests over an entire year's worth of time so if the student is showing up then it is likely some of that material is sinking in and therefore they have a fighting chance of passing.
Earning a degree is just that however. You will need to earn it. Today's college courses both on campus and on line are structured to help the student succeed in almost every possible way including in the case of online classes the opportunity to make your own hours so there is little excuse for not getting assignments done on time. Websites called forums have been in existence for some time now and students can log into these forums and post their questions or search for answers that have already been provided by those who went before them. In almost every situation where a college has an on line student forum there will be precedent and present opportunity to get help answering any questions they may have or perhaps find information which gives them a whole new group of questions to consider but not to worry since the answers to those new questions will be on the same page or very near there.

Yet with all this additional help that didn't exist back in years past, there still exists an unacceptable level of failure for students seeking a degree above that of high school. In fact one in every four drops out of college in their freshman year. An appalling number to any parent who has scraped and saved for close to twenty years to send their children to college. A terrifying number to a working adult who is spending what extra income and time they have to spare, on trying to better their lives. While this article mainly focuses on why the recently graduated high school student is failing in their attempt at college there are some reasons that bridge the gap of the recently graduated high school student to that of the working adult seeking a better paying career and the biggest common denominator is the cost of the education.

Investigation by this writer finds the reason for dropping out of college for the majority of those who do not continue is first and foremost the cost of the education. Then added to the equation is the possibility that after having accumulated all those loans which are waiting to be paid back there is still the chance that the student will not pass the necessary courses to be awarded the degree they need to get a job that will pay enough to allow them to pay off those loans.

If the student is struggling in the first semester it makes perfect sense to consider cutting your losses since simple logic states that the courses are not going to get easier. They will in fact get harder and in some cases much harder. Do you stick out three years on a four year tour only to find out that you cannot pass the classes in the last year and thus face paying back all those accumulated loans or quit now and only have to pay back for a semester or at most a year's worth of loans.

There is hope however. Colleges across the country are implementing new courses which are designed to help the new student learn to manage their time better so they can keep both the part-time job needed to pay for living expenses and still have room for both study and a social life because not only does all work and no play make Jack a dull boy but the contacts and people skills you develop while in college are every bit as important as the actual classes you take and these things are learned in the classroom called life where there is no substitute or shortcuts.

These new courses which teach students how to take care of themselves are so successful that one college has reached a thirteen percent drop out rate which is considerably more optimistic than the twenty-five percent national average. Students just entering their freshman year of college would do well to make room on their schedule for this class as it will benefit everyone from the most accomplished to the most undeserving in teaching them the core basics of adult life and all that is required to live on one's own. This then frees up all that which would have otherwise been stress so the student can more concentrate on learning the education they came there to gain.

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