Finding Student Jobs In The Downturn

Student jobs are crucial to the funding of students up and down the UK. Without them, most student's savings and student loans would simply not be enough. Many student's don't have parents who are in the position to pay for all the necessities of educational life. And so student jobs are the cornerstone for many learners.

The range of student jobs available is potentially vast - although in the current economic situation, there competition is fierce, thus putting more pressure on students. A recent BBC news report detailed how a company in Gloucester received hundreds of applicants for just a handful of positions. A couple of years ago that same company would have found it difficult to fill those positions.

Back in the economic peak of around 2007, many jobs were undesirable for sections of the native population; and so were filled by people from elsewhere in the EU. Now, the native population who have a mind to work are out of work and will, on the whole, take any work available. This level of interest in any job has made getting student jobs much more challenging. But it is still possible.

One of the main advantages that students might have against the general population, is their willingness to accept lower wages; when this is combined with the skills they have learned as a student, employers often find these candidates preferable for certain jobs.

A student who can do the job of, for example, a professional website designer for half the price - can make themselves eminently employable, especially at a time when all types of businesses are looking to cut costs. In terms of student jobs this kind of skilled work is available at all times - although some work would not be possible; such as that which requires licenses or government approval. Such accreditations usually come after a student graduates, or later.

Even in times of recession, people still go drinking. Some even more than before. With this in mind, bars are often a first stop for student jobs. The work needs little training, but does require a certain social enthusiasm - as dealing with the public is the main part of the job.

Many people say that even when economic times are tough, there is always work. There is perhaps a certain truth to this, however with 2.261 million people in the UK might tell a different story. Student jobs, like full time jobs, require a little extra work to get hold of these days. Students have the advantage of (usually) not having restrictions of families, whose needs may not be compatible with antisocial hours sometimes required by certain jobs.

New claimants of Jobseekers Allowance rose by 39,000 in May - less than the 60 thousand that was forecast by some analysts. This is still bad, but when results start being better than thought, there might be reason for optimism. Finding student jobs is still likely to be easier than other fulltime positions, due to the flexibility of many students. The crucial thing to remember is that jobs come to those who seek them most - so when that gap appears, you're ready to grab it!

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