A Simple Guide to Student Loan Consolidation

Even as a fresh graduate new to real life, there are already some financial decisions that you have to make. This is especially if you have university loan debt repayment obligations.

Are you among many more whose multiple college loans have piled up?

Then you may be finding it hard to keep up with your monthly obligations to different creditors. And perhaps you have already considered direct student loan consolidation.

Before you plunge in and consolidate the money you owe though, there are important things you have to understand about this repayment method. What are these?

Along the way of student loan consolidation, you find a consolidator (whether federal or private financial institution) who can pay for your current loans. After this, your repayments will be directed to this one lender and you'll have a renewed payment term, interest rate and lower payment.

Do you need to have a specific quantity of loans to consolidate?

If you have at minimum two loans, you can have these combined into one affordable payment either with the same lender or a various company.

What other important things should you learn about debt consolidations?

- Private loans are more difficult to consolidate than federal loans due to the requirements needed.
- Different consolidators have different guidelines. Others have more favorable interest rates than the rest so it may be beneficial to comparison shop.
- Some consolidators don't take defaulted loans. you will be required to repay your back payments first.
- Your repayment terms can alter completely when consolidating your loans.
- Student mortgage consolidation can void your eligibility for loan forgiveness.
- You are able to consolidate your loans only once. You can't combine new loans with older ones.


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