When youngsters prepare for college and they need to get a loan to pay for their education, they often face the issue of credit history. If you do not have bills issued on your name or credit cards, then, it's likely that you don't have a credit report to present to lenders. This doesn't mean that you cannot get a loan and pay for your education. No credit student loans are possible and there are several ways to apply for them.
The loans provided by the federal government do not require any credit check whatsoever; they include Stafford, Perkins, Graduate Plus Loans as well as loans designed for law and health science students. Before you can get access to any of these, you have to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA. This form gives you the chance not only to get a loan but also to receive money grants if possible. Depending on your income and your family's income, you can get access to subsidized federal loans, which are the most advantageous of all.
This type of no credit student loans are designed in such a way to assist you with the payment of the interest rates through college. The government pays the interest while you are pursuing your degree, but this measure is applicable only to subsidized loans. Unsubsidized no credit student loans are not bad either, yet, the interest rate corresponding to the years of study will be added to the overall amount you pay after graduation. This is known as the capitalization of the interest.
Stafford and Perkins loans are designed for those students with the highest financial needs. Perkins loans offer better conditions as they have a 5% interest rate and longer payback terms. The only problem with such no credit student loans is that the amount that they provide may not be enough to cover for the full expenses of the education. You may have to get both a Stafford and a Perkins loan and still need a supplementation. Try grants, scholarships and sponsorship from organizations and associations interested to invest in the training of specialists.
You should start analyzing your options way in advance. If you have good grades and a very promising file, you can send your application to several universities and see whether you do not get a scholarship. Once you get their answer, you can look into the costs of your education and see exactly how much money you need. Evaluate the expenses very well so that you don't borrow more than necessary.
The loans provided by the federal government do not require any credit check whatsoever; they include Stafford, Perkins, Graduate Plus Loans as well as loans designed for law and health science students. Before you can get access to any of these, you have to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA. This form gives you the chance not only to get a loan but also to receive money grants if possible. Depending on your income and your family's income, you can get access to subsidized federal loans, which are the most advantageous of all.
This type of no credit student loans are designed in such a way to assist you with the payment of the interest rates through college. The government pays the interest while you are pursuing your degree, but this measure is applicable only to subsidized loans. Unsubsidized no credit student loans are not bad either, yet, the interest rate corresponding to the years of study will be added to the overall amount you pay after graduation. This is known as the capitalization of the interest.
Stafford and Perkins loans are designed for those students with the highest financial needs. Perkins loans offer better conditions as they have a 5% interest rate and longer payback terms. The only problem with such no credit student loans is that the amount that they provide may not be enough to cover for the full expenses of the education. You may have to get both a Stafford and a Perkins loan and still need a supplementation. Try grants, scholarships and sponsorship from organizations and associations interested to invest in the training of specialists.
You should start analyzing your options way in advance. If you have good grades and a very promising file, you can send your application to several universities and see whether you do not get a scholarship. Once you get their answer, you can look into the costs of your education and see exactly how much money you need. Evaluate the expenses very well so that you don't borrow more than necessary.
Article Source: http://www.articlesarticles.net
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